以下顯示: TaiwanPlus 的節目表
2024-04-23 星期二
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 81
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
01:00~01:15Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
01:15~01:30Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
01:30~01:40What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 232
01:40~02:00Taiwan+ x XiaoFei(0+)Ep. 3 Although it might jus
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 90
02:30~02:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
02:55~03:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 458
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
03:30~04:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 8 YAMAN SHAO (邵雅曼)
04:00~05:00Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 24 在台灣喜歡露營的人
05:00~05:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
05:10~05:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
05:20~05:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
05:30~05:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
05:45~05:55Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
05:55~06:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 458
06:00~06:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 81
06:30~07:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 90
07:00~07:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 232
07:10~07:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
07:30~08:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 8 YAMAN SHAO (邵雅曼)
08:00~08:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 81
08:30~08:55Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
08:55~09:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 458
09:00~09:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
09:10~09:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
09:20~09:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
09:30~09:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
09:45~10:00Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
10:00~10:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 233
10:10~11:00Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 24 在台灣喜歡露營的人
11:00~11:30Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 8 YAMAN SHAO (邵雅曼)
11:30~11:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
11:55~12:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 459
12:00~12:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
12:10~12:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
12:20~12:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
12:30~12:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
12:45~13:00Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
13:00~13:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 233
13:10~13:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 90
13:40~14:00Taiwan+ x XiaoFei(0+)Ep. 3 Although it might jus
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 234
14:15~14:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
14:30~14:55Among the Brightest(0+)Ep. 12 "Despite winning fir
14:55~15:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 459
15:00~15:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 233
15:10~15:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 90
15:40~16:00Taiwan+ x XiaoFei(0+)Ep. 3 Although it might jus
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
16:30~16:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
16:45~17:00Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
17:00~17:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 234
17:15~17:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
17:30~17:55Among the Brightest(0+)Ep. 12 "Despite winning fir
17:55~18:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 459
18:00~18:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 82
18:30~19:30Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 24 在台灣喜歡露營的人
19:30~20:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 82
20:00~20:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 235
20:10~20:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
20:20~20:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
20:30~20:40Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
20:40~20:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
20:55~21:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 460
21:00~21:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
21:30~22:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 82
22:00~22:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
22:30~22:40Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
22:40~22:50Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
22:50~23:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
23:00~23:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 235
23:10~23:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
23:30~23:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
23:45~23:54Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
23:54~00:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 460

2024-04-24 星期三
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 82
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
01:00~01:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
01:10~01:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
01:20~01:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
01:30~01:40What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 235
01:40~02:00Craftsoul(0+)Ep. 8 Wrought iron window g
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 18
02:30~02:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
02:55~03:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 460
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
03:30~03:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
03:45~04:00Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
04:00~04:30Half Way There(0+)Ep. 2 How much do you know
04:30~05:00Formosa Pilgrimage(0+)Ep. 8 Today's host, explore
05:00~05:30Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
05:30~05:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
05:45~05:55Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
05:55~06:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 460
06:00~06:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 82
06:30~07:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 18
07:00~07:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 235
07:10~07:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
07:30~07:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
07:45~08:00Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
08:00~08:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 82
08:30~08:55Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
08:55~09:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 460
09:00~09:30Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
09:30~09:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
09:45~10:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
10:00~10:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 236
10:10~10:40Half Way There(0+)Ep. 2 How much do you know
10:40~11:00Formosa Pilgrimage(0+)Ep. 8 Today's host, explore
11:00~11:15Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
11:15~11:30Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
11:30~11:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
11:55~12:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 461
12:00~12:30Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
12:30~12:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
12:45~13:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
13:00~13:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 236
13:10~13:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 18
13:40~14:00Craftsoul(0+)Ep. 8 Wrought iron window g
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 237
14:15~14:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
14:30~14:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
14:45~14:55Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
14:55~15:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 461
15:00~15:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 236
15:10~15:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 18
15:40~16:00Craftsoul(0+)Ep. 8 Wrought iron window g
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
16:30~16:40Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
16:40~16:50Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
16:50~17:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
17:00~17:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 237
17:15~17:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
17:30~17:55Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
17:55~18:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 461
18:00~18:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 83
18:30~19:00Half Way There(0+)Ep. 2 How much do you know
19:00~19:30Formosa Pilgrimage(0+)Ep. 8 Today's host, explore
19:30~20:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 83
20:00~20:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 238
20:10~20:40Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
20:40~20:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
20:55~21:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 462
21:00~21:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
21:30~22:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 83
22:00~22:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
22:30~23:00Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
23:00~23:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 238
23:10~23:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 88
23:30~23:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
23:45~23:54Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
23:54~00:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 462

2024-04-25 星期四
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 83
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
01:00~01:30Taiwan 60Hz(0+)Ep. 10 Amid a spike in the
01:30~01:40What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 238
01:40~02:00Never Give Up(0+)Ep. 1 Hsiao Chien-hua grew
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 32
02:30~02:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
02:55~03:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 462
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
03:30~03:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
03:45~04:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
04:00~04:30Taiwanese Boss(0+)Ep. 5 Taiwanese tech and AI
04:30~05:00Never Give Up(0+)Ep. 1 Hsiao Chien-hua grew
05:00~05:15Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
05:15~05:30Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
05:30~05:55Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
05:55~06:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 462
06:00~06:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 83
06:30~07:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 32
07:00~07:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 238
07:10~07:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
07:30~07:45Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
07:45~08:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
08:00~08:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 83
08:30~08:55Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
08:55~09:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 462
09:00~09:15Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
09:15~09:30Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
09:30~10:00Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
10:00~10:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 239
10:10~10:40Taiwanese Boss(0+)Ep. 5 Taiwanese tech and AI
10:40~11:00Never Give Up(0+)Ep. 1 Hsiao Chien-hua grew
11:00~11:15Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 11
11:15~11:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 12
11:30~11:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
11:55~12:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 463
12:00~12:15Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
12:15~12:30Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
12:30~13:00Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
13:00~13:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 239
13:10~13:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 32
13:40~14:00Never Give Up(0+)Ep. 1 Hsiao Chien-hua grew
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 240
14:15~14:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
14:30~14:55Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
14:55~15:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 463
15:00~15:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 239
15:10~15:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 32
15:40~16:00Never Give Up(0+)Ep. 1 Hsiao Chien-hua grew
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
16:30~17:00Taiwan 60Hz(0+)Ep. 9 Ally Logistic Propert
17:00~17:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 240
17:15~17:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
17:30~17:45Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
17:45~17:55Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
17:55~18:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 463
18:00~18:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 84
18:30~18:33Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 1 Convenience Stores in
18:33~18:36Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 2 Garbage disposal in T
18:36~18:39Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 3 During the 7th month
18:39~18:42Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 4 Kuai-Kuai (#乖乖),
18:42~18:45Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 5 Face masks are an ess
18:45~18:48Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 6 Scooters are the pref
18:48~19:00Beeru on the Island(0+)Ep. 7 Receipts come with ev
19:00~19:15Craftsoul S2(0+)Ep. 9
19:15~19:30Craftsoul S2(0+)Ep. 10
19:30~20:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 84
20:00~20:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 241
20:10~20:25Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
20:25~20:40Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
20:40~20:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
20:55~21:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 464
21:00~21:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
21:30~22:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 84
22:00~22:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
22:30~22:45Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
22:45~23:00Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
23:00~23:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 241
23:10~23:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
23:30~23:54Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
23:54~00:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 464

2024-04-26 星期五 昨日
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 84
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
01:00~01:15Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
01:15~01:30Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
01:30~01:40What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 241
01:40~01:45Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 19
01:45~01:50Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 20
01:50~02:00Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 21
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 92
02:30~02:55In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
02:55~03:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 464
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
03:30~04:00Formosa Pilgrimage(0+)Ep. 8 Today's host, explore
04:00~04:15From Imagination to Embodiment(0+)Ep. 3
04:15~04:30From Imagination to Embodiment(0+)Ep. 4
04:30~05:00Operation 2027:The Chinese Invasion from Taiwan's POV(0+)Ep. 6
05:00~05:55The Ripple Effect Podcast(0+)Ep. 6
05:55~06:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 464
06:00~06:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 84
06:30~07:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 92
07:00~07:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 241
07:10~07:30In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
07:30~08:00Formosa Pilgrimage(0+)Ep. 8 Today's host, explore
08:00~08:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 84
08:30~08:55Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
08:55~09:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 464
09:00~10:00The Ripple Effect Podcast(0+)Ep. 6
10:00~10:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 242
10:10~10:25From Imagination to Embodiment(0+)Ep. 3
10:25~10:40From Imagination to Embodiment(0+)Ep. 4
10:40~11:00Operation 2027:The Chinese Invasion from Taiwan's POV(0+)Ep. 6
11:00~11:30Formosa Pilgrimage(0+)Ep. 8 Today's host, explore
11:30~11:55In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
11:55~12:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 465
12:00~13:00The Ripple Effect Podcast(0+)Ep. 6
13:00~13:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 242
13:10~13:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 92
13:40~13:45Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 19
13:45~13:50Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 20
13:50~14:00Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 21
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 243
14:15~14:30In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
14:30~14:55Jason's Table(0+)Ep. 16 Taiwanese people lov
14:55~15:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 465
15:00~15:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 242
15:10~15:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 92
15:40~15:45Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 19
15:45~15:50Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 20
15:50~16:00Soul of the Craftsman(0+)Ep. 21
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
16:30~16:45Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
16:45~17:00Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
17:00~17:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 243
17:15~17:30In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
17:30~17:55Jason's Table(0+)Ep. 16 Taiwanese people lov
17:55~18:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 465
18:00~18:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 85
18:30~18:45Craftsoul S2(0+)Ep. 9
18:45~19:00Craftsoul S2(0+)Ep. 10
19:00~19:30Operation 2027:The Chinese Invasion from Taiwan's POV(0+)Ep. 1 The narrative of “C
19:30~20:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 85
20:00~20:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 244
20:10~20:55The Ripple Effect Podcast(0+)Ep. 6
20:55~21:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 466
21:00~21:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 354
21:30~22:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 85
22:00~22:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
22:30~23:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 110
23:00~23:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 244
23:10~23:54The Ripple Effect Podcast(0+)Ep. 6
23:54~00:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 466

2024-04-27 星期六 今日 TaiwanPlus 的節目表

相關連結: 無線23台節目表
-   1   2   3   4   5公視   6公視台語台   7TaiwanPlus   8   9   10   11   12公視3   13客家電視HTV   14原住民族電視台   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23 -   TaiwanPlus官網
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 85
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 354
01:00~01:30Taiwanese Boss(0+)Ep. 5 Taiwanese tech and AI
01:30~01:40What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 244
01:40~02:00Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
02:00~02:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
02:30~02:55Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
02:55~03:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 466
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 354
03:30~04:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 110
04:00~05:00Wake Up(6+)Ep. 3
05:55~06:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 466
06:00~06:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 85
06:30~07:00Taiwanese Boss(0+)Ep. 5 Taiwanese tech and AI
07:00~07:15Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
07:15~07:30Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
07:30~08:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 110
08:00~08:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 85
08:30~08:55Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 354
08:55~09:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 466
09:00~09:15Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
09:15~09:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
09:30~10:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 110
10:00~10:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 350
10:30~11:00In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
11:00~11:30Taiwanese Boss(0+)Ep. 5 Taiwanese tech and AI
11:30~11:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
11:45~12:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
12:00~12:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 110
12:30~12:45Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
12:45~13:00Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
13:00~13:30Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
13:30~13:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
13:45~14:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan! Weekend Edition(0+)Ep. 51
14:15~14:45Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
14:45~15:00In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 35
15:00~15:40Let's Go Home(0+)The Indigenous people of Tai
15:40~16:00The Pursuit of a Cinematic Dream(0+)Ep. 1 Patty Pei-Yu Lee is l
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 354
16:30~17:00Taiwanese Boss(0+)Ep. 5 Taiwanese tech and AI
17:00~17:30What's Up Taiwan! Weekend Edition(0+)Ep. 52
18:30~18:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
18:45~19:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
19:00~19:15Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 11 400年前荷蘭人佔領台
19:15~19:30Happy Fisherman S2(0+)Ep. 12 全世界都有虱目魚,
19:30~20:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 351
20:00~20:30What's Up Taiwan! Weekend Edition(0+)Ep. 52
20:30~20:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
20:45~21:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89
21:00~22:00The Ripple Effect Podcast(0+)Ep. 6
22:00~22:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 354
22:30~23:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 111
23:00~23:30Love Fun Taiwan(0+)Ep. 12 Taiwan and India are
23:30~23:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 120
23:45~00:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 89

2024-04-28 星期日 明日
00:00~00:30What's Up Taiwan! Weekend Edition(0+)Ep. 52
00:30~01:40Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan(0+)Ep. 1
01:40~02:00Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 121
02:00~02:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
02:30~02:45Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
02:45~03:00Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
03:00~03:30What's Up Taiwan! Weekend Edition(0+)Ep. 52
03:30~04:30Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan(0+)Ep. 1
04:30~05:30Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 3 The country flourishe
05:30~06:00Tales of the Island(0+)Ep. 11 In memory of the bir
06:00~06:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
06:30~07:00What's Up Taiwan! Weekend Edition(0+)Ep. 52
07:00~07:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
07:10~07:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
07:20~07:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
07:30~08:00Wish You Were Here(0+)Ep. 11 從小就被教育要遠離
08:00~08:15Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
08:15~08:30Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
08:30~09:00Taiwan's Food Delights(0+)Ep. 31 Taiwan is home to
09:00~09:15Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 121
09:15~09:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
09:30~10:00Tales of the Island(0+)Ep. 11 In memory of the bir
10:00~10:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
10:30~11:00In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 23
11:00~11:30Wish You Were Here(0+)Ep. 11 從小就被教育要遠離
11:30~11:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 121
11:45~12:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
12:00~13:00Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 3 The country flourishe
13:00~13:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
13:10~13:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
13:20~13:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
13:30~13:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 121
13:45~14:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
14:00~14:15Craftsoul(0+)Ep. 9 Taiwanese miniature a
14:15~14:45Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
14:45~15:00In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 23
15:00~16:00Wake Up(6+)Ep. 3
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 352
16:30~17:00Taiwan's Food Delights(0+)Ep. 31 Taiwan is home to
17:00~17:30Wish You Were Here(0+)Ep. 11 從小就被教育要遠離
17:30~17:40Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 1 Canadian YouTuber Luk
17:40~17:50Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
17:50~18:00Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
18:00~18:30Tales of the Island(0+)Ep. 11 In memory of the bir
18:30~18:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 121
18:45~19:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
19:00~19:15Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 9
19:15~19:30Straight to the Source(0+)Ep. 10
19:30~20:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 353
20:00~20:30In Case You Missed It(0+)Ep. 23
20:30~20:45Here's What Happened(0+)Ep. 121
20:45~21:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
21:00~22:00Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan(0+)Ep. 1
22:00~23:00Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 3 The country flourishe
23:00~23:10Taiwan Top5第1集
23:10~23:20Taiwan Top5第2集
23:20~23:30Taiwan Top5第3集
23:30~23:45Here's What Happened第121集
23:45~00:00Zoom In,Zoom Out第90集

2024-04-29 星期一
00:00~00:15Art Attack第1集
00:15~00:30Art Attack第2集
00:30~01:00Connected With Divya Gopalan第111集
01:00~02:00Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan第1集
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 95
02:30~03:00Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
03:00~03:30Taiwan's Mega Factories(0+)Ep. 1 Join us for a tour of
03:30~04:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 111
04:00~05:00Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan(0+)Ep. 1
05:00~05:15Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
05:15~05:30Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
05:30~06:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 9 OLEKSANDR SHYN is Co-
06:00~06:30Jason's Table:Masterful Dishes(0+)Ep. 5 In traditional Taiwan
06:30~07:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 95
07:00~07:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 245
07:10~07:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
07:30~08:00Taiwan's Mega Factories(0+)Ep. 1 Join us for a tour of
08:00~08:30Jason's Table:Masterful Dishes(0+)Ep. 5 In traditional Taiwan
08:30~09:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 111
09:00~09:15Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
09:15~09:30Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
09:30~10:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 9 OLEKSANDR SHYN is Co-
10:00~10:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 245
10:10~11:00Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan(0+)Ep. 1
11:00~11:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 111
11:30~11:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
11:55~12:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 467
12:00~12:15Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
12:15~12:30Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
12:30~13:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 9 OLEKSANDR SHYN is Co-
13:00~13:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 245
13:10~13:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 95
13:40~14:00Taiwan Keywords(0+)Ep. 11 The prospect of Chin
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 246
14:15~14:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
14:30~14:55Wish You Were Here(0+)Ep. 12 身為基督徒的Kenny從
14:55~15:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 467
15:00~15:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 245
15:10~15:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 95
15:40~16:00Taiwan Keywords(0+)Ep. 11 The prospect of Chin
16:00~16:30Taiwan's Mega Factories(0+)Ep. 1 Join us for a tour of
16:30~17:00Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 111
17:00~17:15What's Up Taiwan!第246集
17:15~17:30Zoom In,Zoom Out第71集
17:30~17:55Wish You Were Here第12集
17:55~18:00Eye on the Weather第467集
18:00~18:30TaiwanPlus News第86集
18:30~19:30Have A Nice Dream-Discover the Beauty of Taiwan第1集
19:30~20:00TaiwanPlus News第86集
20:00~20:10What's Up Taiwan!第247集
20:10~20:25Art Attack第1集
20:25~20:40Art Attack第2集
20:40~20:55Zoom In,Zoom Out第71集
20:55~21:00Eye on the Weather第468集
21:00~21:30Taiwan Talks第355集
21:30~22:00TaiwanPlus News第86集
22:00~22:30Operation 2027:The Chinese Invasion from Taiwan's POV第6集
22:30~22:45Art Attack第1集
22:45~23:00Art Attack第2集
23:00~23:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 247
23:10~23:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 71
23:30~23:54Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 9 OLEKSANDR SHYN is Co-
23:54~00:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 468

2024-04-30 星期二
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 86
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 355
01:00~01:15Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
01:15~01:30Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
01:30~01:40What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 247
01:40~01:50Foodie Taxi(0+)Ep. 1 Roc 洛可杉要帶著來自
01:50~02:00Foodie Taxi(0+)Ep. 2 Roc洛可杉要帶著來自
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 96
02:30~02:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
02:55~03:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 468
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 355
03:30~04:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 9 OLEKSANDR SHYN is Co-
04:00~05:00Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 25 ”外國人在台灣”這
05:00~05:10Taiwan Top5第2集
05:10~05:20Taiwan Top5第3集
05:20~05:30Taiwan Top5第4集
05:30~05:45Art Attack第1集
05:45~05:55Art Attack第2集
05:55~06:00Eye on the Weather第468集
06:00~06:30TaiwanPlus News第86集
06:30~07:00Connected With Divya Gopalan第96集
07:00~07:10What's Up Taiwan!第247集
07:10~07:30Zoom In,Zoom Out第90集
07:30~08:00Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu第9集
08:00~08:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 86
08:30~08:55Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 355
08:55~09:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 468
09:00~09:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
09:10~09:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
09:20~09:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 4 Canadian YouTuber Luk
09:30~09:45Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
09:45~10:00Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
10:00~10:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 248
10:10~11:00Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 25 ”外國人在台灣”這
11:00~11:30Game Changers With Emily Y. Wu(0+)Ep. 9 OLEKSANDR SHYN is Co-
11:30~11:55Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
11:55~12:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 469
12:00~12:10Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 2 Canadian YouTuber Luk
12:10~12:20Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 3 Canadian YouTuber Luk
12:20~12:30Taiwan Top5(0+)Ep. 4 Canadian YouTuber Luk
12:30~12:45Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
12:45~13:00Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
13:00~13:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 248
13:10~13:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 96
13:40~13:50Foodie Taxi(0+)Ep. 1 Roc 洛可杉要帶著來自
13:50~14:00Foodie Taxi(0+)Ep. 2 Roc洛可杉要帶著來自
14:00~14:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 249
14:15~14:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
14:30~14:55Among the Brightest(0+)Ep. 13 "As a child, she gre
14:55~15:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 469
15:00~15:10What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 248
15:10~15:40Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 96
15:40~15:50Foodie Taxi(0+)Ep. 1 Roc 洛可杉要帶著來自
15:50~16:00Foodie Taxi(0+)Ep. 2 Roc洛可杉要帶著來自
16:00~16:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 355
16:30~16:45Art Attack(0+)Ep. 1
16:45~17:00Art Attack(0+)Ep. 2
17:00~17:15What's Up Taiwan!(0+)Ep. 249
17:15~17:30Zoom In,Zoom Out(0+)Ep. 90
17:30~17:55Among the Brightest(0+)Ep. 13 "As a child, she gre
17:55~18:00Eye on the Weather(0+)Ep. 469
18:00~18:30TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 87
18:30~19:30Wow!Taiwan(0+)Ep. 25 ”外國人在台灣”這
19:30~20:00TaiwanPlus News(0+)Ep. 87
20:00~20:10What's Up Taiwan!第250集
20:10~20:20Taiwan Top5第2集
20:20~20:30Taiwan Top5第3集
20:30~20:40Taiwan Top5第4集
20:40~20:55Zoom In,Zoom Out第90集
20:55~21:00Eye on the Weather第470集
21:00~21:30Taiwan Talks第356集
21:30~22:00TaiwanPlus News第87集
22:00~22:30Taiwan Talks第355集
22:30~22:40Taiwan Top5第2集
22:40~22:50Taiwan Top5第3集
22:50~23:00Taiwan Top5第4集
23:00~23:10What's Up Taiwan!第250集
23:10~23:30Zoom In,Zoom Out第90集
23:30~23:45Art Attack第1集
23:45~23:54Art Attack第2集
23:54~00:00Eye on the Weather第470集

2024-05-01 星期三
00:00~00:30TaiwanPlus News第87集
00:30~01:00Taiwan Talks第356集
01:00~01:10Taiwan Top5第2集
01:10~01:20Taiwan Top5第3集
01:20~01:30Taiwan Top5第4集
01:30~01:45What's Up Taiwan!第250集
01:45~02:00Zoom In,Zoom Out第89集
02:00~02:30Connected With Divya Gopalan(0+)Ep. 98
02:30~02:45Craftsoul(0+)Ep. 9 Taiwanese miniature a
02:45~02:55Legit Mando(0+)Ep. 1 Host Jacob and his pa
02:55~03:00The Jennie Show(0+)Ep. 1 Jennie learns to navi
03:00~03:30Taiwan Talks(0+)Ep. 356
03:30~03:40Life of an Artist(0+)Ep. 1 "Born in Chiayi in 19
03:40~04:00Happy Fisherman S1(0+)Ep. 1 Leo Seewald 加拿大溫
04:00~05:00Come Away With Me(0+)Ep. 1 三位素未模面的陌生人